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於 2014年 入選



The Chiu Chow Style Sweets

and Cakes Making Technique

was inscribed on the first

Intangible Cultural Heritage

Inventory of Hong Kong in 2014



(zhai) bai he jin huang yu ni bing




{百合芋泥餅}之(百合)稱呼,出處是在製作上之工藝而來。 傳統師傅在製造此餅的時候,佳有一句專稱[孤獨餅],這並非說在造此餅時有(孤獨)之感,而是表示此餅之技藝及原理,是獨特孤立與別不同。





Classic Chaozhou-style mooncake Bai he yu ni

Product series no. 1261

Item:bai he yu ni bing

Craftesmanship and culture: It is usually known as taro mud,as its appearance reaembles that of mud.Chaozhou people's

art of making taro mud is unique. Only simple materials are required to make this tasty food product.

The 'bai he' in the name of this product comes from the skill associated with the production of this cake.

Traditional bakers call it 'solitary cake' during its production, not because they feel lonely when making it,but because the production technique is special and unique, as well as its principle.

Traditional bakers call the cake 'chai he' [detached and yet together] cake or 'bai he' [all together] cake owing to its crisp skin, which has a spiral pattern spreading outwards.

When fully baked, there are layers and layers of crisp skin which can be detached from one another.

Master bakers give this unique crisp skin a beautiful name: 'bai he' crisp skin. 'Bai he' has become

the generic name of a series of cakes.

Traditionally, this cake has distinctive layers which can be easily counted, making it an object of appreciation.

Layers of skin can be felt when eaten.

Note: This product can also be baked, but nowadays it is more frequently deep-fried.

When baked, it has a golden skin, with an equally traditional flavor.

Bai he series - jin huang pi gan xiang (delicious, fragrant golden skin) (baked, crispy)

Zhu Tibet: stored at room temperature in a cool place, such as temperature inappropriate,quality / shelf life might have been changed

Date of purchase of the most delicious dates 10 days, can be stored for 25 days.

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